Up and down drafts ( vertical speed ) up to 30 - 35 meters per second 上升下降气流(垂直速度)达到30到35米/秒。
At one site , waves rippled outward at 450 meters per second 在一处撞击地点,波动以每秒450公尺的速度向外传播。
Wind speed 7 meter per second 西风每秒7米
Wind speed 7 meter per second 西风每秒7米
The average wind speed in most urban areas throughout the world is only 5 meters per second 但全球大部份城市的平均风速只有每秒5米。
None of the wind instruments available here could measure windspeed in excess of 60 meters per second 这里现有的测风仪器都不能测出每秒60米以上的风速。
So it can go up to nearly three meters per second now as it scrambles over rough terrain , and it can do that without any sensing of the environment 因此它可以在翻越坎坷不平的地域时达到每秒3米的速度,而且不用管周围环境。
They start generating power at wind speeds of around 4 meters per second , and require wind speeds of over 7 meters per second in order to be efficient 它们要在风速每秒达到4米,才能产生电力。待风速增至每秒7米,才能有效发电。
Here we need to distinguish between dimensions ( like speed ) and units , the specific things we measure with ( like miles per hour or meters per second ) 我们需要分清楚量纲(比如速度)和单位(我们用来衡量事物的尺度,比如每小时英里数或者每秒米数) 。
A scientist would translate that into meters per second and this makes a nice comparison toward the problem of ( bytes per five minutes ) versus ( bits per second ) 科技人员会把它转换成米秒,这样可以更好的进行比较(每5分钟的字节数)和(每秒比特数) 。